Interested in a fun way to give companies your opinion, and earn money at the same time? Become a member of Focus Forward! Focus Forward, LLC is a market research firm that conducts live focus groups and online surveys.
By participating in these studies, you tell companies what YOU think, what YOU want, what YOU like – and you’re paid for your time. It’s free to sign up, and you’ll never be asked to buy anything.
To sign up, please click on the following link:
Here are some of the surveys they have now:
They are currently recruiting individuals to participate in a paid telephone/web interview scheduled to take place between Tuesday, May 11th and Wednesday, May 12th. You MUST have internet access at the time of your interview. Compensation for this 60 minute phone/web interview is $75. Please click the link below and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study.
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