Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Frugal Questions

I was asked by another blogger to answer these questions. She is doing a post for time.com. I am going to answer them here on my blog. Let me know if you have any tips.

1) What's your "frugality story?" In other words, how and why did you
become frugal?
2) What, if anything, tempts you to overspend, and how do you resist?
3) What personal finance or frugality habits were the hardest for you
to adopt and why?
4) Have you ever taken frugality too far? How so?
5) What resources (blogs, books, websites) would you recommend to
someone who's newly frugal?

Here are my answers below:

I became frugal the year I graduated from college and found out I could not afford those $100 jeans.  I grew up with a great mother that was always looking for the best deal. The people at Big Lots knew her name and even allowed her in the back to see their new merchandise before it was even placed on the floor. She always bought furniture and clothes really inexpensively. However, I had no idea how much money I could  save at drug  and grocery stores. I am still amazed how I cut my grocery bill in half and never pay money out of my pocket for things like toothpaste, shampoo, and many other household items. Eating out tempts me to spend that money that I save. I am not a great or even good cook, so the food at restaurants always seems to be calling my name. I have tried to reduce the amount we eat out by always having something on hand to eat. I have started buying things in bulk when they go on sale and making meals to either stick in the fridge or freezer. That way we are not sitting around saying,"We have nothing to eat, let's go out."  I have taken frugality too far. :) I tend to get a little upset when my husband forgets to take a coupon to the store. I am slowly getting over that. There are so many great blogs out there. Some of the ones I love are Moneysavingmom, SouthernSavers, DaveRamsey, and of course My Deal Frenzy

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